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Through the middle of the scene, as fantastic as it appeared, was something familiar. There was an emerald green rope, the end of which pierced through the scene, a thousand tiny tendrils arcing off left and right, top and bottom, and touching just about everything in sight. James was able to follow the main cable a bit and he could see that it had invaded almost every facet of the place, much as it had done to Sally’s mind, though the references he used presented a different scene. He followed the cable back now, out of the head of the thug and to the girl whose eyes were now open, the tears starting to dry, and a wondrous expression was on her face.The scene unfroze and sped up again. The leader continued down the hall, but no longer stomping. His face was serene now, the anger gone. He reached the room where the little girl waited and opened the door.“Let me help you, mistress.” his deep voice rumbled, and he reached down to cradle the small girl in his arms, lifting her from her. ”She took her bra off next, freeing a pair of tits which were a nice D-cup, tipped by lovely pink nipples. The fat guy reached out and squeezed her left breast, a look of reverence on his face. Mel slapped his hand away and bent to remove her tights and knickers. Her shaven pussy was now the focus of the room’s attention, all three men stood staring at it. She thrust her chest out and parted her legs slightly, challenging these inexperienced man-boys with her nudity.“Well,” she said. “You can’t fuck me with your pants on! Choose a hole and get your cocks out, the clock is ticking!”They stripped, not looking at each other. They seemed hesitant, trying to shield themselves from each other’s eyes as much as from Mel’s. They stood awkwardly, trying to cover themselves with their hands. The fat one still had his t-shirt on, the Asian guy had a skinny body covered in thick dark hair and the leader was pale and totally lacking any muscle definition.“Ok, let me see what I’m working with.
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